
Topical Term

National Geographic beginner's world atlas

Maps, photographs, illustrations, and text present information about the continents of the world.

The contemporary world

from 1945 to the 21st century
Offers a comprehensive and richly illustrated chronicle of contemporary world events.

Don't know much about geography

everything you need to know about the world but never learned
Examines the perceptions people have had through the ages about the world and the universe.

Children are children are children

an activity approach to exploring Brazil, France, Iran, Japan, Nigeria and the U.S.S.R.
Describes the life and customs of Brazil, Nigeria, Japan, Iran, France, and the Soviet Union with suggestions for related activities and projects.

The everything kids' geography book

from the Grand Cany on to the Great Barrier Reef--explore the world!
A guide to geography for kids, explaining what geography is, looking at how to read maps, featuring explorations of different regions of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and the North and South Poles, and including puzzles and activities.

P is for passport

a world alphabet
A passport and rhyming text celebrate the author's adventures discovering differences as well as similarities, from "A" for the variety of animals that populate the planet to "Z" for the time zones that mark the days around the world.

Like me and you

An illustrated version of Raffi's song about children all over the world, who are much like one another despite living in different countries.

The Watts picture atlas

Contains color maps and illustrations that provide a visual introduction to Earth and its countries, and includesa brief description of each featured area, as well as fact boxes, and items for young readers to find.

The illustrated world atlas

Text, maps, and illustrations introduce the people, places, wildlife, and industries of each major region of the world.


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