Rand, Ayn

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Atlas shrugged

Ayn Rand
Contains a complete plot summary and analysis of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", as well as discussion of the characters and themes, and includes study questions.


who needs it
This collection of essays was the last work planned by Ayn Rand before her death in 1982. In it, she summarizes her view of philosophy and deals with a broad spectrum of topics. According to Ayn Rand, the choice we make is not whether to have a philosophy, but which one to have: rational, conscious, and therefore practical; or contradictory, unidentified, and ultimately lethal. Written with all the clarity and eloquence that have placed Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy in the mainstream of American thought, these essays range over such basic issues as education, morality, censorship, and inflation to prove that philosophy is the fundamental force in all our lives.

For the new intellectual

the philosophy of Ayn Rand.
Ayn Rand challenged the prevalent philosophical doctrines of our time and the "atmosphere of guilt, of panic, of despair, of boredom, and of all-pervasive evasion.".

The fountainhead

The story of a gifted young architect, his violent battle with conventional standards, and his explosive love affair with the beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him.

We the living

In the time of the Russian Revolution, Kira is torn between two men who love her, one a Communist, the other an aristocrat.


the unknown ideal
Presents the author's views on modern society through a series of essays.

The fountainhead

A gifted young architect battles against conventional standards while conducting an explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who strives to defeat him.

Letters of Ayn Rand

Collection of letters from 1926 to 1981 from the philosopher and author Ayn Rand to a variety of famed authors, journalists, and politicians revealing key moments in her life while offering a look into her thoughts on writing, America, the Soviet Union, politics, and most of all, objectivism, a school of thought she created out of her life's experiences.

The art of fiction

a guide for writers and readers
Author Ayn Rand discusses the essentials of reading and writing fiction, how to combine abstract ideas with action to achieve theme, plot, characterization, and style.


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