Leopold, Aldo

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A Sand County almanac

and sketches here and there
Presents "A Sand County Almanac," a collection of nature writings by American conservationist Aldo Leopold based on his experiences and feelings while at his weekend farm along the Wisconsin River, and includes additional writings on nature and the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation.

A Sand County almanac & other writings on ecology and conservation

Sand County almanac is often hailed as a foundational work of the modern environmental movement. Here, it is paired with over fifty other pieces by Leopold: uncollected articles, essays, speeches, and other writings that chart the evolution of his ideas of the course of three decades.

A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there

Nature writings of Aldo Leopold, one of the foremost conservationist of our century.

A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there

Presents "A Sand County Almanac," a collection of nature writings by American conservationist Aldo Leopold based on his experiences and feelings while at his weekend farm along the Wisconsin River, and includes additional writings on nature and the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation.

A Sand County almanac

with essays on conservation
A collection of nature writings by American conservationist Aldo Leopold based on his experiences and feelings while at his weekend farm along the Wisconsin River, illustrated with photographs taken at the farm over the course of a year.

A Sand County almanac

with essays on conservation from Round River
Presents a collection of nature writings by Aldo Leopold, one of the foremost conservationists of the early twentieth century.
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