Classic retelling

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Romeo and Juliet

Presents Shakespeare's play of tragic love between Romeo and Juliet, adapted to make the themes, plot, and characters more understandable; and includes scene summaries, as well as background to the story and the times in which it was written.
Cover image of Romeo and Juliet

The odyssey

A prose adaptation of the epic Greek poem which tells of the experiences of Odysseus while on his return from the Trojan War.
Cover image of The odyssey

A midsummer night's dream

Presents a retelling of Shakespeare's comedy in which two sets of lovers, lost in the woods, get caught up in a dispute between the fairy king and queen, as do a group of local artisans preparing a play for Duke Theseus' wedding.
Cover image of A midsummer night's dream

Julius Caesar

An adaptation of the classic drama in which Cassius, fearing Julius Caesar's ambition, forms a conspiracy among Roman republicans to assassinate the leader on the Ides of March.
Cover image of Julius Caesar


An adaptation of the Shakespearean tragedy in which Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, struggles with the decision of whether or not to avenge his father's murder.
Cover image of Hamlet

Gulliver's travels

Presents an adaptation of the classic story of an Englishman whose voyages carry him to a land of people six inches high, a world of giants, an island of sorcerers, and a place where horses are masters of human-like creatures.
Cover image of Gulliver's travels

Great expectations

An adaptation of the classic novel which tells the story of Pip, an orphan in Victorian England who is informed one day that he has "great expectations" and is to be educated and reared as a gentleman.
Cover image of Great expectations


An adaptation of the classic drama in which a man kills the King of Scotland in order to claim the throne for himself; includes a critical introduction.
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