Discusses the problem of children being kidnapped by one of their parents, usually parents involved in a divorce, and suggests ways for children to deal with the problem.
A biography of Billie Jean King, a United States women's tennis champion whose work to help women gain equality in tennis has completely changed the women's game into an important pro sport.
true stories of the winners of the young American Medal for Bravery
Brown, Walter R.
Tells the stories of twelve young heroes whose quick actions saved lives and earned them the Young American Medal for Bravery. Includes capsule biographies of thirty-one additional winners since 1951.
Traces the careers of eight NFL kickers whose last-second goals have decided many crucial games. Includes Lou Groza, George Blanda, Fred Cox, Tom Dempsey, Garo Yepremian, Efren Herrera, Rolf Benirschke, and Tony Franklin.