Rookie poetry. Animal homes

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My home on the ice

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in frozen homes.
Cover image of My home on the ice

My home in the water

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in the water.
Cover image of My home in the water

My home in the desert

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in the desert.
Cover image of My home in the desert

My home on the ice

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in frozen homes.
Cover image of My home on the ice

My home in the water

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in the water.
Cover image of My home in the water

My home in the rainforest

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in the rainforest.
Cover image of My home in the rainforest

My home in the desert

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in the desert.
Cover image of My home in the desert

My home in the rainforest

An introduction to the rainforest where half the planet's animals and plants can be found, including gorillas, boa constrictors, and more.
Cover image of My home in the rainforest
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