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a mostly true story from Iceland
"Based on a true story, the author humorously recounts the time his grandfather got stranded with a friend on Surtsey, a brand new volcanic island in Iceland. The adventurers face epic challenges like molten lava, melted eyeglasses and scant supplies before finally getting rescued"--Amazon.


"Do you know what a 'lava bomb' is? Or what volcano produced the loudest noise in recorded history? Or what volcano erupted continuously for more than 30 years? Explore this . . . book for answers to questions you'll be glad we asked--plus 'Did You Know?' . . . facts and colorful . . . illustrations"--Publisher.

Sort of super

Eleven year-old superhero Wyatt Flynn and his little sister Adeline go to Camp Igneous, where they secretly explore a mysterious volcano which may be a key piece in the puzzle of what happened to their missing mother.


100 fun facts about volcanoes
"Kids will ... learn all about the science and wonder of volcanoes [including] one hundred fun facts for quick and quirky information on all kinds of volcanoes, all around the world--and even some that are out of this world!"--.


An introduction to magma, covering what it is, where it fits into the rock cycle, where it can be found, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

The science behind supervolcanoes

"Discover the science behind super volcanoes, the world's worst-ever volcano disasters, and the technology that scientists are using to help prevent devastating volcanoes of the future"--Provided by publisher.

Can you stop a volcanic disaster?

The ground is shaking. A volcano is about the erupt. Hundreds of lives are in danger. But you can help! Navigate through three different stories to discover what is happening below Earth's surface. With dozens of story outcomes, it's up to you to stop a volcanic disaster. The planet needs you. Will YOU CHOOSE to help?.

Big lift-and-look book

When a volcano begins to erupt, threatening Monkey Island, the Paw Patrol loads up the Air patroller to help those on the island.

Volcano eruptions

This transitional reader title gives information about volcanic eruptions. Readers will learn about some of the reasons why volcanoes erupt, how they erupt, and the dangers of these eruptions. This series is at a Level 3 and is written specifically for transitional readers. Aligned to the Common Core standards & correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.

Types of volcanoes

This transitional reader title gives information about the four different types of volcanoes. Readers will learn about what makes each volcano different, what it looks like, and how it erupts. The text also gives examples of well-known volcanoes and the category they fall under. This series is at a Level 3 and is written specifically for transitional readers. Aligned to the Common Core standards & correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.


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