Isler, Claudia

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Volunteering to help with animals

Discusses the concept of service learning in which young people gain knowledge and skills through volunteer activities; and looks at how the concept applies to working with animals.

Volunteering to help in your neighborhood

Discusses the concept of service learning in which young people gain knowledge and skills through volunteer work; and looks at how the concept applies to neighborhood chores.

The right to vote

Discusses the constitutional right of American citizens to vote, and examines the struggles of African-Americans, women, and young people to win the right to vote.

Caught in the middle

a teen guide to custody
Provides information for teenagers whose parents are getting a divorce, explaining various custody options, and discussing how decisions are made and the impact of those decisions on the lives of the people involved.

The right to free speech

Provides information about freedom of speech, a right guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States, discussing the application of the First Amendment in cases of sedition, protest, obscenity, hate speech, and symbolic speech. Includes a copy of the Bill of Rights.
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