methodist church

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methodist church

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Charles Albert Tindley, the father of gospel music
"At a time when most African Americans were still enslaved, Charles Tindley was born free. His childhood was far from easy, with backbreaking hours in the fields, and no opportunity to go to school. But the spirituals he heard as he worked made him long to know how to read the Gospel for himself. Late at night, he taught himself to read from scraps of newspapers. From those small scraps, young Charles raised himself to become a founding father of American gospel music whose hymn was the basis for the Civil Rights anthem 'We Shall Overcome'"--Provided by publisher.

Jason Lee, winner of the Northwest

A biography of the missionary to the Indians who helped to open up Oregon to settlers.

Horseman of the King

the story of John Wesley

John Wesley

founder of the Methodist Church

John Wesley

a biography
Chronicles the life of John Wesley, discussing his influence on modern Christianity, his role as founding father of the Methodists, his life as a religious leader in England, and other related topics.

The Sunday wife

Dean Lynch has never completely adjusted to being a minister's wife, but her new friendship with Augusta has helped her adapt to their new church and community, despite the fact that Dean's husband does not approve of the flamboyant woman.

Baptist and Methodist faiths in America

Describes the history of the Evangelical tradition in America; its beliefs and practices; its impact on American culture, social issues, and politics; and important American Baptist and Methodist figures and events.

John Wesley

founder of the Methodist church
Describes the life of John Wesley, the Anglican minister who founded the Methodist Church.
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