Harris, Duchess

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Fighting stereotypes in sports

"[Examines] common stereotypes in sports, especially the sports or positions that are typically played by a certain race. It also examines the effects when the 'norm' is disrupted"--Provided by publisher.

The silence breakers and the #metoo movement

Explores the #metoo movement and promotes awareness of sexual abuse, harassment, and assault in the United States.

Russian hacking in American elections

Provides a brief history of the relationship between the U.S. and Russia, and highlights the events surrounding the 2016 presidential election that suggested Russia was hacking American computers and influencing the election. Includes a list of essential facts, a glossary, resources for further information, and color photographs.
Cover image of Russian hacking in American elections

The Paris climate agreement

Examines the Paris Climate Agreement, discussing its goals, positive and negative aspects, and impact on the future. Includes sidebars, a glossary, resources for further information, maps, and color photographs.
Cover image of The Paris climate agreement

The opioid crisis

Explores the opioid crisis, including its history, effects on individuals, and treatments.

Mass shootings in America

Examines mass shootings in America, discussing their history, possible factors contributing to their frequent occurrences, the resulting gun debate, and possible solutions. Also features ways to survive a shooting. Includes sidebars, a glossary, resources for further information, maps, and color photographs.
Cover image of Mass shootings in America

The dreamers and DACA

Explores the DACA program and how it has affected society in the United States, and looks at the United States immigration policy under President Trump.

The refugee crisis

". . . discusses the growing number of refugees across the globe. It also explores reasons behind the crisis and how the international community is responding, and it encourages readers to form their own opinions"--Amazon.com.

Gender and race in sports

"Examines the historical successes and struggles of female athletes of color. From pioneers to today's stars, women of color have been examples of courage and strength as they fought to overcome barriers unique to their race and gender"--Amazon.

Governmental checks and balances

Presents a study of the system of checks and balances rooted in U.S. Constitutional Law and the three branches of government, describing its history, how it works, examples where it has been put to use, and more.


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