Civil War Journal

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Civil War journal

Through diaries, photograhs, and factual reenactments, these four episodes focus on the earlier years of the Civil War, including John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry; the first military engagement of the war at Fort Sumter; the first major battle at Bull Ron, and the mix of escaped slaves and educated African American men who made up the 65th Massachussetts regiment.

Civil War Journal

Greatest Battles
This video, one of a series entitled Civil War Journal, contains personal stories of four of the battles in the War Between the States.

Civil War Journal

The video details the life of civilians in Gettysburg before, during and after the battle, that left over 50,000 soldiers dead at their doorstep. Also shows the intelligence war between students of West Point during the war.

Civil War Journal

Shows the bloody 1st Bull Run battle and the seemingly suicidal last charge by Pickett's men.

Civil War Journal

Shows the first photography of war coming into play in the world of media and depicts the struggles of John Brown.

Civil War Journal

Tells of the 54th division from Mass. African Americans who fought for their freedom.

Civil War Journal

Features ship battle between Monitor and CSS Virginia. Also the film features events that happened when the "Gray Ghost' was given unchecked power over 800 men.

Civil War Journal

Gives some information on the life of Stonewall Jackson and also shows the first and bloodless battle for Fort Sumter.

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