foreign opinion

Geographic Name
foreign opinion

Reflections on the revolution in France and other writings

A republication of the 1790 text in which the British political thinker presents his arguments against the revolution in France. Includes a selection of pamphlets, speeches, public letters, private correspondence, and essays.
Cover image of Reflections on the revolution in France and other writings

Invisible enemies

the American war on Vietnam, 1975-2000
"Beginning where most histories of the Vietnam War end, "Invisible Enemies" examines the relationship between the United States and Vietnam following the American pullout in 1975"--Back cover.

England and the Italian Renaissance

the growth of interest in its history and art
A chronological narrative of England's history and development during the Italian Renaissance that explores how each country's cultural history was influenced by the other during the time period.
Cover image of England and the Italian Renaissance

Unholy war

terror in the name of Islam
A scholar of political Islam offers an explanation of the teachings of the Quran, discussing the rise of Muslim extremist groups, the reasons for Muslim anti-Americanism, and the outlook for peace..

Beyond the age of innocence

rebuilding trust between America and the world
Presents an examination of the state of America's relationship with the world, providing perspective on the policies and actions the United States has taken since the end of the Cold War and describing the resultant alienation that many across the globe feel toward this dominant superpower.

Star-spangled Eden

19th century America through the eyes of Dickens, Wilde, Frances Trollope, Frank Harris, and other British travelers

Hating America

the new world sport
Examines why anti-Americanism has grown in recent years, discussing how foreign governments and religious groups have become outraged by America's actions in recent years and the impact their outrage has had on the world order.

U.S. military deployment

Contains fourteen essays that examine issues associated with United States Military deployments, discussing the expansion of the US Military's presence throughout the world, whether US Military presence inspires resentment in occupied nations, the US Military intervention in the Middle East, and related topics.

All the views fit to print

changing images of the U.S. in Pravda political cartoons, 1917-1991
Examines the depiction of America by political cartoons in the Soviet Union's newspaper "Pravda" from its founding in 1912 to its final days in 1991, presenting analysis, nearly one hundred cartoon examples, and tables reflecting changing themes and trends.


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