

The children of Henry VIII

Chronicles the personal lives of the four heirs of King Henry VIII, nine-year old Prince Edward; Lady Mary, the adult daughter of Henry's first wife; Lady Elizabeth, the teenaged daughter of Anne Boleyn; and Lady Jane Grey, the English king's great-niece--all of whom eventually took the throne if only for a brief time.

I meant to tell you

The author remembers special times that he and his daughter shared as she was growing up.

Barack Obama's family tree

roots of achievement
This unusual title details the branches of Barack Obama's complicated family tree. It opens with a discussion of family trees in general and provides a full-spread chart illustrating Obama's nuclear and extended family, with black-and-white or color photos of many of its members. It goes on to provide biographical information on various family members, back to his grandparents, and outlines some of his formative experiences.

Don't tell the girls

a family memoir
Newbery Honor-winning author Patricia Reilly Giff shares what she learned trying to trace the history of her Irish family, and provides information on how to conduct family research.

Where's mom's hair?

a family's journey through cancer
Cover the steps of a woman's cancer treatment from the perspective of her two young sons, and contains photographs that describe the ways in which their family and friends supported their mom through her operation and chemotherapy.

We came through Ellis Island

the immigrant adventures of Emma Markowitz
Follows a Jewish family as they leave Russia in 1893 and begin a new life in New York City, where they find new challenges and opportunities on their way to becoming Americans.

Treasures from the attic

the extraordinary story of Anne Frank's family
Provides an account of Anne Frank and her family based on letters and photographs the Franks sent to father Otto's mother Alice, and passed down to her grandson, Buddy.

Proud to be Inuvialuit =

Quviahuktunga inuvialuugama
James, who lives in the small town on Tuktoyuktuk in the Northwest Territories, goes on a trip with his daughter Rebecca to harvest beluga whales.

Celebrating the Obama family in pictures

Photographs illustrate the lives of the Obama family from the beginning of their family life in Chicago, Illinois, to their family life in the White House.

Little town at the crossroads

Young Caroline Quiner, who would grow up to become Laura Ingalls Wilder's mother, and her family have new adventures as the frontier outpost of Brookfield, Wisconsin, grows into a bustling town.


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