Johnson, Spencer

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Who moved my cheese?

Out of the maze

an a-mazing way to get unstuck
Provides a story on how to think outside the box in order to get more out of life.

The One Minute Teacher

The precious present

This profound tale has taught hundreds of thousands of readers how to be happy with themselves and their lives.

The one minute

the quickest way to more sales with less stress
The nameless protagonist of this slender motivational parable originally published in 1984 suffers from the existential predicament of the salesman: "the quiet fear of rejection" caused by the nagging suspicion that "the customer did not want to buy the product." From a succession of sales gurus he learns the One Minute secret-it's not selling, it's "helping feel good about what they buy." Johnson, author of the business mega-seller Who Moved My Cheese?, offers practical suggestions ranging from sensible (treat customers like people, listen carefully to their needs, use after-sale calls to generate good will and referrals) to questionable (use one-minute positive-thinking rituals to visualize successful sales calls) to sort of depressing (paste sales goals beside your shaving mirror). The "eighty/twenty rule" is paramount: "Eighty percent of our results are produced by about twenty percent of what we do.".

The one minute teacher

how to teach others to teach themselves
Through the use of goal setting, recovery, and praising, the authors show that teachers can make a lasting contribution to their student's lives, while at the same time, they themselves gain new vigor and fulfillment in their profession.

The value of curiosity

the story of Christopher Columbus
Demonstrates the value of curiosity in the life of Christopher Columbus.

The value of kindness

the story of Elizabeth Fry
Discusses the work of the English woman whose pioneering efforts in improving the lot of prisoners were based on the premise that prisoners' behaviour would improve if they were treated more kindly.

The value of saving

the story of Benjamin Franklin
A brief biography of the outstanding 18th-century printer, inventor, and statesman, emphasizing the value of saving in his life.

The value of understanding

the story of Margaret Mead
A biography, stressing the understanding and tolerance, of an anthropologist who did extensive studies of primitive cultures.


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