the movement for a future without policing & prisons
Kaepernick, Colin
The former NFL star turned social activist presents thirty essays from political prisoners, grassroots organizers and scholars such as Angela Davis and Dereck Purnell that focus on the police and incarceration abolition movement.
American political activist and university professor, Angela Davis, a social Democrat who was at one time associated with the Black Panther Party and American Communist Party, criticizes the American prison system, maintaining that it strips prisoners of basic human rights.
Discusses problems relating to prisons, examines the controversy of whether prisons should rehabilitate or punish, and looks at possible alternatives to the current prison system.
Explores alternatives to imprisonment, discussing parole and probation, rehabilitation, boot camps, community service, day reporting, house arrest, and the future of such programs.
Contains twelve articles in which the authors provide various perspectives on alternatives to prisons, debating whether incarceration reduces crime, and discussing different types of courts, prison overcrowding, electronic monitoring, and other topics.