nature fiction

nature fiction

Isaac's tree

"Isaac uses his senses to practice moments of mindfulness with his favorite tree: he hears the leaves, then he smells the grass, then he feels the breeze"--Provided by publisher.

Expedition backyard

exploring nature from country to city
Mole and Vole always venture out into the world to see what nature they can find, but after an accidental move from the country to the city, the best friends have to learn to discover new plants and animals in their new environment.
Cover image of Expedition backyard

Shelby & Watts

"Violet the bear has awoken early from her hibernation, but she doesn't know why. She's called on Shelby & Watts to solve the case before her son, Theodore, is roused from his hibernation, too. With Shelby's deductive skills and Watts's scientific know-how, they'll leave no stone unturned or question unanswered"--Back cover.

Emile and the field

"Emile loves the field close to his home--in spring, summer, and fall, when it gives him bees and flowers, blossoms and leaves. But not as much in winter, when he has to share his beautiful, changeable field with other children . . . and their sleds"--Provided by publisher.

Siha Tooskin knows the nature of life

"Paul Wahasaypa knows that Ena Makoochay (Mother Earth) gives us many things. On this . . . nature journey with Ena (his mom), we learn how strength, generosity, kindness, and humility are all shown to us by grandfather rocks, towering trees, four-legged ones, and winged ones, reminding us of the part we have to play in this amazing creation. Join Paul and Ena as they experience the beautiful nature of life"--Back cover.

Sato the rabbit

After becoming a rabbit, Haneru Sato gathers stars at an observatory, sails the sea in a watermelon, tastes the emotions captured in different colors of ice, and more.

Sato the Rabbit

a sea of tea
"Sato continues his adventures, exploring both expansive landscapes--snowy fields, forests, oceans made of tea--and tiny microcosms of worlds, all found in unlikely places--like within a freshly-baked pie!"--Provided by publisher.

Sato the Rabbit

the moon
Haneru Sato the Rabbit experiences the peace of nature all around him, from a pillow of cool water to a floral air float to carry him and his dreams, to appreciating the sound of singing cicadas.

El clamor de los bosques

"A novel of activism and natural-world power presents interlocking fables about nine remarkable strangers who are summoned in different ways by trees for an ultimate, brutal stand to save the continent's few remaining acres of virgin forest"--OCLC.

A perfect day

"One bright, sunny morning, the pond's creatures prepare to perform a symphony. The birds begin with their calls; the frogs join in with their croaks; the fox barks, and the bees buzz. At last the clouds arrive with their thunderous percussion . . ."--Provided by publisher.


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