Crimes of ISIS

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The violent rise of ISIS

"This book charts [ISIS's] violent history, from the first signs of an emerging new jihadist group to the official declaration of the Caliphate, and tracks their use of violence as they seek power and dominance over the world's 1.5 billion Muslim practitioners"--Amazon.
Cover image of The violent rise of ISIS

The persecution of Christians and religious minorities by ISIS

"This book explores how the rise of ISIS has influenced religious minorities caught in the so-called caliphate and what their lives are like under this oppressive regime"--OCLC.
Cover image of The persecution of Christians and religious minorities by ISIS

Life under the caliphate

Looks at how ISIS enforces laws that are 1,500 years old and how followers are told that living under the caliphate a person who is considered a religious successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad is glorious. However, citizens in ISIS territory live in horrible conditions.
Cover image of Life under the caliphate

ISIS hostages

"Explores the role of hostages under ISIS, from those who are killed or forced to fight to those who are used for their value as propaganda or their ability to generate income, in the form of bribes, for the Islamic State"--OCLC.
Cover image of ISIS hostages

ISIS brides

"With the promise of glorious holy war and a wife, more than 20,000 foreign fighters flowed into Iraq and Syria, leaving the Islamic State hard-pressed to provide enough wives for the fighters. With the number of foreign women estimated at a few hundred, ISIS has turned to draconian measures like slavery, temporary marriages, and even child brides. Women captives of the group who managed to escape tell tales of terror and abuse despite the glowing promises of those who recruit women for the so-called Islamic State. This book explores the dangers for women and girls caught in the path of ISIS and how they're used by the group as both rewards for fighters and as warriors in their own right"--Amazon.
Cover image of ISIS brides

Global recruitment by ISIS

"Explores the formation of the Islamic State and how the organization went about recruiting an army to challenge the world order"--OCLC.
Cover image of Global recruitment by ISIS

Cultural destruction by ISIS

"When Muhammed swept victorious into the city of Mecca in 630 C.E., one of his first acts was to destroy all of the idols at the Kabbah, one of the holiest sites in the Islamic world. ISIS is taking the prophet's idea to the extreme, attempting to raze art and architecture they deem un-Islamic from their domain. Ancient cities have fallen beneath bulldozers and clouds of dust, while priceless artifacts have been looted from museums and destroyed. Students will be challenged to ask why ISIS is so bent on destroying artifacts of the past and what power the preservation of these objects gives those fighting against the Islamic State"--Amazon.
Cover image of Cultural destruction by ISIS

The children soldiers of ISIS

". . . looks at how ISIS is selecting and grooming the next generation of jihadists and what can be done to prevent a generation of lost children"--Amazon.
Cover image of The children soldiers of ISIS
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