sub-saharan africa

Geographic Name
sub-saharan africa

The Zanzibar chest

a story of life, love, and death in foreign lands
African native and frontline reporter Aidan Hartley chronicles the experiences of his ancestors who emigrated from Britain to Sub-Saharan Africa during the mid-nineteenth century, and contrasts them with his own adventures on the continent.
Cover image of The Zanzibar chest

The Zanzibar chest

a story of life, love, and death in foreign lands
African native and frontline reporter Aidan Hartley chronicles the experiences of his ancestors who emigrated from Britain to Sub-Saharan Africa during the mid-nineteenth century, and contrasts them with his own adventures on the continent.

Into the house of the ancestors

inside the new Africa
Provides insight into the social revolution taking place in Africa in which indigenous inhabitants are reviving past cultural traditions, supporting economic independence, and sponsoring political reforms.

Stanley & Livingstone

the mercenary and the missionary
A biographical look at explorers Henry M. Stanley and David Livingstone, examining the experiences of the two men as they journeyed through the wilds of Africa.

West African kingdoms

Discusses the history of three important African kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, and Songhay.

The new Africa

dispatches from a changing continent
Former "Christian Science Monitor" correspondent Robert Press chronicles the experiences he had while traveling in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa.

African portraits

Presents biographies of some prominent sub-Saharan Africans throughout history, including Piankhy, Ahmed Baba, Ann Nzinga, Cinque, Kip Keino, and Wole Soyinka.

Into Africa

the epic adventures of Stanley & Livingstone
Chronicles the lives and experiences of New York journalist Henry Morton Stanley and Scottish medical missionary David Livingstone, describing the circumstances of their 1871 encounter in Africa and the events that led to and stemmed from it.

African arts & cultures

An illustrated introduction to the art and culture of Africa south of the Sahara, showing the diversity that exists among the different peoples of the region, and discussing the social, political, and economic themes that imbue their artwork.

The graves are not yet full

race, tribe, and power in the heart of Africa
Investigates ethnic conflicts in Africa and discusses how they are a result of calculated tyranny, not age-old hatred.


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