arms control

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arms control

How the bomb changed everything

Near the end of World War II, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to try and bring and end to the war. This book looks at how the development of nuclear weapons changed countries around the world since World War II, discussing the Cold War, nuclear development, the effects of radiation and more.

To build a better world

choices to end the Cold War and create a global commonwealth
Explores the choices made by world leaders "that molded the contemporary world, looking at key moments of decision, the might-have-beens, and the human beings working through them, and explores both what happened and what could have happened, to show how one world ended and another took form"--Adapted from dust jacket.

The abolition

Includes index. Provides a proposal and necessary steps to achieve nuclear disarmament.

Freedom from fear

Since World War II, nations have engaged in a race to build bombs and war machines. Read why the freedom from fear is so important in the world today and learn how people are working to eliminate the weapons of war around the world.
Cover image of Freedom from fear

Nuclear annihilation

Provides information about nuclear warfare and weapons which is aimed at helping students determine fact from fiction in relation to the possibility of a nuclear attack on American soil, and discusses how the government tries to prevent such an occurrence.

Thinking critically

Examines issues related to nuclear proliferation such as banning nuclear weapons, deterring rogue nations from developing them, and terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons.

Approaching the nuclear tipping point

cooperative security in an era of global change
Explores the possibility of a near-future nuclear war, which even if on a small scale would have disastrous consequences for all international activities. Theorizes on how immigration, climate change, and social media in the age of nuclear power has led us to this point, and how a new policy of international security cooperation can potentially get control of this situation.
Cover image of Approaching the nuclear tipping point

Countdown to Zero Day

Stuxnet and the launch of the world's first digital weapon
"This story of the virus that destroyed Iran's nuclear centrifuges ... shows that the door has been opened on a new age of warfare--one in which a digital attack can have the same destructive capability as a megaton bomb dropped from an airplane"--Provided by publisher.

The nuclear delusion

Soviet-American relations in the atomic age

Nuclear security

Presents an overview of nuclear security and essays providing differing opinions on nuclear arms control, nuclear testing, and other countries as threats to nuclear security.


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