Mosco, Rosemary

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Critter chat

what if animals used social media?
Explores what animals from all over the planet might share with their friends through social media, including their unique characteristics, habits, and behaviors.

Expedition backyard

exploring nature from country to city
Mole and Vole always venture out into the world to see what nature they can find, but after an accidental move from the country to the city, the best friends have to learn to discover new plants and animals in their new environment.
Cover image of Expedition backyard

Butterflies are pretty gross!

"Explores the science of butterflies and shows that these insects are not the stereotypically cutesy critters we often think they are--they are fascinating, disgusting, complicated, and amazing creatures"--Provided by publisher.

Flowers are pretty weird!

"Flowers are beautiful. They have bright colors, soft petals and sweet nectar...But that's not the whole truth...and one bee is here to let everyone know! Talking directly to the reader, a bee reveals how flowers are so much stranger than what we think. Did you know that there are some flowers that only bloom in the nighttime? Some flowers are spooky, and look like ghosts, or bats, or a monster's mouth"--Provided by publisher.

A pocket guide to pigeon watching

getting to know the world's most misunderstood bird
"Pigeons coo, peck and nest all over the world, yet most of us treat them with indifference or disdain. So . . . [the author] is here to give the pigeon's image a makeover, and to help every town- and city-dweller get closer to nature by discovering the joys of birding through pigeon-watching . . Equal parts illustrated field guide and quirky history, it covers behavior: Why they coo; how they flock; how they preen, kiss, and mate (monogamously); and how they raise their young (on chunky pigeon milk). Anatomy and identification, from Birmingham Roller to the American Giant Runt to the Scandaroon. Birder issues, like what to do if you find a baby pigeon stranded in the park"--Provided by publisher.

Solar system

our place in space
In graphic novel format looks at our solar system, providing information about the various planets.

Solar system

our place in space
In graphic novel format looks at our solar system, providing information about the various planets.

Solar system

our place in space
In graphic novel format looks at our solar system, providing information about the various planets.
Cover image of Solar system

Birding is my favorite video game

cartoons about the natural world from Bird and Moon
Presents a collection of science cartoons about the natural world including animal dating profiles, seasons, threat displays of completely non-threatening animals, and much more.
Cover image of Birding is my favorite video game
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