indian ocean tsunami, 2004

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indian ocean tsunami, 2004

The killing sea

In the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami in Sumatra, two teenagers, American Sarah and Acehnese Ruslan, meet and continue together their arduous climb inland, where Ruslan hopes to find his father and Sarah seeks a doctor for her brother. Includes maps and author's note about the tsunami on which the story is based.



The Asian tsunami 2004

a huge wave kills thousands
Chronicles the events surrounding the 2004 tsunami that devastated parts of Southeast Asia, and contains a timeline and glossary.

The Indian Ocean tsunami

Presents a brief study of the December 2004 tsunami that struck Southeast Asia, and describes how tsunamis are formed, their destructive forces, and the aftermath.

The Splintered face

tsunami poems
A collection of more than fifty poems about the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.

Wave of destruction

the stories of four families and history's deadliest tsunami
Chronicles the stories of four families who managed to survive the December 2004 tsunami that hit Thailand and other parts of the Far East.


Memoir of Sonali Deraniyagala, who lost her parents, husband, and sons in the 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami. Deraniyagala speaks about how she survived the destructive wave and its aftermath and how she has carried on after losing so much.

The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

Provides an account of the Indian Ocean tsunami that devastated the coasts of Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Indonesia, and other islands on December 26, 2004, explaining how and why the giant wave occurred, discussing the loss of life and property, and looking at relief efforts, rebuilding, and attempts to develop an effective warning system. Includes photographs, illustrations, a time line, and other resources.

Tsunami disaster in Indonesia, 2004

Describes the disaster which was caused in Indonesia on December 26, 2004 by a giant tsunami.


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