Tells about the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, focusing on the story of Harry Truman, an elderly man who had lived on the mountain for many years and refused to leave despite numerous warnings.
Examines what happens during a volcanic eruption, why they occur, and how to keep safe; and describes disastrous volcanic eruptions throughout history.
An illustrated exploration of volcanic eruptions that discusses why they occur, the damage caused by them, how they are studied, and other related topics; and includes statistics, resources, a glossary, and an index.
Presents an introduction to the mountain biome, examining its climate, plants, animals, people, and future, and including a detailed look at some major mountain ranges.
In graphic novel format, Max Axiom teaches the science of volcanoes, traveling the world to explore how they form, what makes them erupt, and other topics.
Describes the history and characteristics of America's largest volcano, Mauna Loa in Hawaii, and explains the science of volcano formation and volcanic eruptions.
Donna O'Meara shares photographs and stories from her exciting and sometimes dangerous work as a volcano researcher, and provides scientific information about volcanoes.