American values and freedoms

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Governmental checks and balances

Presents a study of the system of checks and balances rooted in U.S. Constitutional Law and the three branches of government, describing its history, how it works, examples where it has been put to use, and more.

The right to vote

The Right to Vote examines how voting rights have evolved throughout the history of the United States. This title looks at the reasons behind limiting the right to vote, the suffrage movements of various groups, and current debates surrounding voting issues in the country.
Cover image of The right to vote

The right to protest

The Right to Protest delves into the ideas behind the fundamental American right of speaking out against the government. The title takes a closer look at the evolution of this right and how US citizens have exercised it through the years.
Cover image of The right to protest

The right to bear arms

The Right to Bear Arms takes a close look at the issues involved in one of the most volatile debates on the rights of US citizens. This title examines the origins of the Second Amendment and how it has since affected the lives of Americans.
Cover image of The right to bear arms

Freedom of the press

Freedom of the Press examines the history of the media in the United States. From colonial pamphleteers to investigative journalism in the mass media age, this title provides context for current discussions about the role of the press in a free society.
Cover image of Freedom of the press

Freedom of religion

Freedom of Religion takes a closer look at the evolution of one of the founding principles of the United States. This title examines the history of the struggle for religious rights, providing context for the conversations of today that shape the way Americans choose to worship.
Cover image of Freedom of religion
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