
Geographic Name

The story of the Oregon Trail

Chronicles the history of the Oregon Trail, describing the experiences of explorers, homesteaders, and others who decided to make the trek into the unsettled West. Includes archival photographs, quotes from diaries of the journey, and interviews with historians.

The good thief

a novel
Young Ren, an orphan in nineteenth-century New England, is rescued from the orphanage by Benjamin Nab, who claims to be Ren's brother; but as time goes on Ren begins to question who he can and cannot trust.

A visual dictionary of a pioneer community

A colorful, illustrated dictionary of a pioneer community that shows different kinds of homes, early transportation, craftspeople and their tools, clothing styles, and farm life.

Servant to Abigail Adams

the early American adventures of Hannah Cooper
In 1800, thirteen-year-old Hannah Cooper works as a servant for Abigail Adams. Hannah corresponds with her printer brother, Daniel, about President Adams's run for re-election against Thomas Jefferson, the newly constructed White House, and life in the President's household.

Perspectives on the industrial revolution

Offers 12 different views on the waves of European settlers during colonial times. Each page provides information about what happened during European colonization and how it affected different people.
Cover image of Perspectives on the industrial revolution

My dear Hamilton

a novel of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton
A fictional story of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton-a revolutionary woman who, like her new nation, struggled to define herself in the wake of war, betrayal, and tragedy. A generals' daughter who championed the fight for independence, became the wife of Alexander Hamilton, became the center of America's first sex scandal, and eventually a widow due to the famous dual between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

The world of the Civil War

a daily life encyclopedia
Cover image of The world of the Civil War

The American quest, 1790-1860

an emerging nation in search of identity, unity, and modernity
Cover image of The American quest, 1790-1860

Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism

An alphabetical guide to the major writers and works associated with the American Transcendentalist movement of the nineteenth century includes entries covering significant places, concepts, and periodicals of the movement.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism

John Quincy Adams

militant spirit
A biography of President John Quincy Adams, discussing his childhood, family, interest in politics and his career as a president and congressman.
Cover image of John Quincy Adams


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