
Geographic Name

The founding of America

A collection of historical speeches which address various issues early colonists in the United States faced during the eighteenth century.

Thomas Jefferson

the art of power
Presents a biography of Thomas Jefferson that illuminates Jefferson's roles as a family man, politician, and president. Discusses how Jefferson's understanding of power and human nature allowed him to develop powerful new ideas and find the will to succeed and win. Includes full-color and black-and-white illustrations.

Hawthorne's mad scientists

pseudoscience and social science in nineteenth-century life and letters

James Madison, 1751-1836

chronology, documents, bibliographical aids

United and divided

a young nation through the Civil War
Contains a guide for teaching American history, from the end of the Revolutionary War through the Civil War, based on historical songs and readings, and includes discussion questions, activities, oral presentations, and compact discs.

The Anti-Federalist papers

And, the constitutional convention debates
Contains the complete texts of the Anti-Federalist papers which offer the arguments of statesmen who were opposed to the Constitution, and includes transcripts of Constitutional Convention debates, commentaries, and an index of ideas.

Shaping of America, 1783-1815

Provides an overview of the early history of the United States, from 1783 to 1815, featuring a chronological look at different time frames and discussion of topics of importance during the period; and includes definitions of important terms, and descriptions of related people, events, and facts of special interest.

Shaping of America, 1783-1815

Contains eighteen excerpted primary documents that provide perspectives on the early history of the United States, from 1783 to 1815, including speeches, ordinances, treaties, correspondence, and other writings.

The new nation

Covers American history from Washington's inauguration until the first quarter of the 19th century, including the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark's expedition, and the beginnings of abolitionism.


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