
Topical Term

The story of you

an Enneagram journey to becoming your true self
Drawing on his extensive counseling and personal experience, a master teacher of the Enneagram--the ancient personality typing system--examines the nine personality types and offers lessons on how to use this system to ultimately become the true self God intended.

How to fight racism

a guide to standing up for racial justice
". . . In this adaptation of 'How to Fight Racism' for young readers ages 8-12, Dr. Jemar Tisby helps kids understand how everyday prejudice affects them and what they can do to create social change. Inside, he explains the history of racism in America and why it is so prevalent, as well as uses Christian principles to provide practical tools and advice kids can use to develop and maintain an anti-racist mindset and make a positive difference in the world"--Provided by publisher.

You have a brain

"Ben Carson explores the eight parts of Thinking Big: Talent, Honesty, Insight, being Nice, Knowledge, Books, In-Depth learning, and God, and presents the stories of people who demonstrated those things in his life. By applying the idea of THINK BIG to your life, and by looking at those around you as well, you too can overcome obstacles and work toward achieving your dreams."--Publisher.

Perfectly human

nine months with Cerian
Presents the reflections of Oxford instructor Sarah C. Williams on the experiences, emotions, and revelations she and her husband Paul underwent with the birth and death of their daughter, Cerian. Cerian was diagnosed with skeletal dysplasia while still in the womb, the Williams were told birth would be fatal, but Sarah and Paul decided to carry Cerian to term anyway, and that decision taught them about loving and treasuring the vulnerable and unlovely.

What is God like?

"Children who are introduced to God, through attending church or having loved ones who speak often about God, often have a lot of questions, including this ever-popular one: What is God like? The late Rachel Held Evans loved the Bible and loved showing God's love through the words and pictures found in that ancient text. Through these pictures from the Bible, children see that God is like a shepherd, God is like a star, God is like a gardener, God is like the wind, and more. God is a comforter and support"--Provided by publisher.

On reading well

finding the good life through great books
"Takes readers on a guided tour through works of . . . literature both ancient and modern, exploring twelve virtues that philosophers and theologians throughout history have identified as most essential for good character and the good life. In reintroducing ancient virtues . . . , [the author] draws on . . . classical and Christian thinkers, including Aristotle, Aquinas, and Augustine. Covering authors from Henry Fielding to Cormac McCarthy, Jane Austen to George Saunders, and Flannery O'Connor to F. Scott Fitzgerald, [she] explores some of the . . . universal themes found in the pages of classic books, helping readers learn to love life, literature, and God through their encounters with great writing. In examining works by these authors and more, [she] shows why virtues such as prudence, temperance, humility, and patience are still necessary for human flourishing and civil society"--Provided by publisher.

Captive in Iran

a remarkable true story of hope and triumph amid the horror of Tehran's brutal Evin Prison
Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh, imprisoned for sharing their Christian faith in violation of Islamic laws in Iran, recount how God used their 259 days in Evin Prison to bring about a miraculous reversal while they continued to share their faith with fellow prisoners.


build your vision from the ground up
"Offers guidance for readers intended to help them provide a solid living while still dedicating enough energy to time with God, friends, and family"--Provided by publisher.

Get out of your head

stopping the spiral of toxic thoughts
"Speaker and Bible teacher Jennie Allen hears all the time from women who feel stuck in patterns of frustration and defeat. In her search for a solution, she's learned that the greatest spiritual battle of our generation is taking place between our ears. How we think shapes how we live. So it's crucial that we learn how to stop our spinning thoughts and refuse to be victims of toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. In this book Jennie draws on biblical truth and recent discoveries in neuroscience to show exactly how we can fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of who God is and who He calls us to be"--Provided by publisher.

A voice as soft as a honey bee's flutter

"In Junior's home, he knows his mother's caring voice, his father's teaching voice, his sisters' teasing voices, and the voices of the other children as they play along Green Street. As soft as a honey bee's flutter, a different voice touches Junior's mind and spirit. And Junior begins to respond to the still, small voice that clams and strengthens his heart"--Book jacket.


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