
Topical Term

Daughters gone wild, dads gone crazy

battle-tested tips from a father and daughter who survived the teen years
The author draws on his own personal experiences with his daughter to provide practical advice to parents of troubled teens.

The dirt on breaking up

a dateable book
Presents a helpful guide to working through broken relationships and shows the best way to end it, how to get over it, and what to say and what not to say when breaking up.

How to help a hurting friend

clear guidance for messy problems
Discusses how to make and keep friends and how to help friends deal with some of the difficult issues young people face, including depression, sex, illness, homosexuality, and violence.

Promise kept

Perry Skky Jr. struggles to stay true to his faith as he deals with the stress of playing college football, his girlfriend's demands, his friend's accident, and his grandmother's failing health.

Prime choice

High school senior Perry Skky Jr., who is the star football player and an honors student, thinks he is ready to have sex, but when his girlfriend decides she isn't, he has to choose between breaking up with her to find a girl who will sleep with him or staying true to his Christian beliefs and waiting.

Pressing hard

Perry Skky finds himself in a compromising situation after having too many drinks; but he admits his mistakes and takes up with the beautiful Savoy, making his ex-girlfriend quite upset.

Prayed up

Perry Skky, Jr., a freshman at Georgia Tech and star college football player, feels pressures from family, friends, school, and his girlfriend, and starts to lose sight of what God expects, possibly endangering his football career and his close relationships, but eventually starts to learn some lessons about staying faithful to God.

Be the change

your guide to freeing slaves and changing the world
Zach Hunter shares how he is trying to end slavery around the world, describing how he has enlisted powerful men and women around the world to aid in his fight for freedom for every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Satan in America

the Devil we know

The mentor leader

secrets to building people and teams that win consistently
Former professional American football player and National Football League coach, Tony Dungy shares the seven keys of mentoring leadership and why they are so effective.


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