Presents an introduction to the forty year history of Stalin's Russia, including biographical information on the key players, Tsarism, the legacy of Lenin, and the effects and experiences of those living under Stalin's rule.
Chronicles the life of Joseph Stalin, contradicting and disproving conventional beliefs about the leader's life and mysterious death, covering events and developments either unknown or distorted in previous books.
Presents a comprehensive analysis of the social and political cataclysm that spread throughout Europe between 1914 and 1945; and describes how the world was changed by the events of two world wars, the Russian Revolution, the Holocaust, and the rise and fall of Hitler's Third Reich.
Offers a brief biography of Joseph Stalin, exploring the events, the background, the people, and the mixture of private and public concerns which contributed to his historical impact.
Provides historical background on Stalin's purges and explores controversies surrounding the purges. It offers first hand accounts from those who experienced the effects of Stalin's purges.