
Topical Term

El viejo y el mar

An old man catches a magnificent marlin and must battle the elements, the sea and sharks to get his catch home.


In this folktale from New England, a fisherman climbs into the mouth of an infamous whale named Crookjaw and discovers a surprise in her gullet.

Merryn's journey

"In a little cottage, where the cliffs meet the waves, lived a young girl named Merryn ... Each day her father went out to sea to catch fish while Merryn tended her garden. And every night he came home and sang her a lullaby about a mysterious world that lay below the waves-a world of serpents, merrows, monsters, and a sunken city made of gold. Then, one day, everything changed: her father didn't return from the sea. When Merryn dreams that he's in danger, she knows there's only one thing to do: she must dive beneath the waves and save him"--Jacket flap.

Captains courageous

A sheltered American heir to a fortune is saved from drowning by a New England fishing schooner and, living amidst the shipmen, must learn to survive on his own strength.

Bait fishing

Did you know that bait is something that fish like to eat? People sometimes use corn or cheese as bait to catch fish. Find out more about how people fish.

Freshwater fishing

Fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, and streams around the world. Fisher enjoy catching freshwater fish, including brass, wallleye, and catfish. Find out more about how people fish!.

Insider tips for fishing in lakes and ponds

This resource will prepare readers for a rewarding day in nature, whether they are catching their next meal or practicing catch-and-release.

Insider tips for bass fishing

Readers will find out more about the rules and regulations of bass fishing, how to stay safe near the water, the importance of respecting the animals and the environment, what gear is best, and what type of bait should be used.

Commercial fishers

An introduction to commercial fishers and the work they do.

Deep-sea fishermen

Explains what a deep-sea fishermen does and describes the equipment they use.


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