education, secondary

Topical Term
education, secondary

The standardization of American schooling

linking secondary and higher education, 1870-1910
Examines the efforts of James B. Angell, president of the University of Michigan in 1872, to create an articulated system of education that aligned schools, courses, and standards at all levels so that students could pass seamlessly from one grade to another, and from the secondary schools to the university, and looks at how Angell's movement spread and was enacted in other states between the 1870s and the early twentieth century.

Secondary education

the key concepts
A reference resource that examines topics and debates in secondary education, including curriculum, exclusion, assessment, learning theories, and others.

Dumbing down our kids

why American children feel good about themselves but can't read, write, or add

Sexual harassment in American secondary schools

a legal guide for administrators, teachers, and students

Organizing for learning

toward the 21st century

Paideia problems and possibilities

Answers questions and discusses the problems of implementing school reform in the U.S. as outlined in the "Paideia Proposal," which calls for an educational system that prepares students to earn a living, assume the duties of citizenship in a democracy, and continue their self-development after all schooling has been completed.

Creating online courses and orientations

a survival guide
A guide to creating online courses and orientations that offers media specialists a model online course designed to help them create similar courses in any secondary school.

Differentiation in practice

a resource guide for differentiating curriculum, grades 9-12
Presents an introduction to differentiated instruction, a systematic approach to planning curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of academically diverse learners, and features annotated lesson plans for differentiated units in a variety of curriculum areas, geared toward students in themiddle grades.


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