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Save Steve

"Steve Stevenson is a jerk. That might not be a cool thing to say about someone with cancer, but it's true. Yeah, he throws legendary parties and is the most popular guy in school, but he also loves humiliating pranks and Cardi B, and he doesn't recycle. Worst of all, he's dating Kaia--the girl of nice guy Cam's dreams. But when a desperate Kaia asks Cam to help her raise money to pay for Steve's experimental treatment, Cam offers to organize the biggest, most viral fundraising campaign. Maybe then Kaia will finally see Cam as the perfect, thoughtful, altruistic, good guy for her"--OCLC.
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Tormented by the in-crowd at school on a daily basis, there were two things that gave fifteen year-old Abigail Perkins the strength to keep going - her best friend, Danny Cobb; and her favorite television show, Supernatural. But the night Danny's mother calls to say that his battle with cancer is nearing its end, and the doctors don't expect him to live through the night, even Supernatural can't dull the ache in her heart.

When friendship followed me home

Seventh-grader Ben, always an outsider, is led into a deep friendship with Halley, who is being treated for cancer, by the special dog he and his adoptive mother take in.

The Gale encyclopedia of cancer

a guide to cancer and its treatments
Contains entries that provide information about specific cancer types, diagnostic procedures, treatments, side effects, and drugs, as well as cancer-related concepts and issues; arranged alphabetically from A to K. Includes definitions of key terms, questions to ask the doctor, and resources.

Where the road leads us

Told in separate voices, Jack and Hallie, eighteen-year-olds facing separate crises, discover who they are meant to be while taking a spontaneous road trip together.

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks

Documents the story of how scientists took cells from an unsuspecting descendant of freed slaves and created a human cell line that has been kept alive indefinitely, enabling discoveries in such areas as cancer research, in vitro fertilization and gene mapping.

Encyclopedia of cancer and society

Contains over 750 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on terminology, concepts, and individuals associated with cancer and cancer research.

Understanding cancer

Introduces readers to different types of cancer, treatment options, and the side effects associated with them.


surviving middle school with one eye open
After being diagnosed with a rare eye cancer, twelve-year-old Ross discovers how music, art, and true friends can help him survive both treatment and middle school.


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