Teen survival guide

Compare Series: 

Surviving your first high school party

Gives teenagers advice on attending their first party and the next day at school.
Cover image of Surviving your first high school party

Surviving prom

Guides teenagers through prom, covering such topics as dates and outfits.
Cover image of Surviving prom

Surviving gym class

"This guide will help teens navigate all the difficult moments [in gym], like being picked last for a team or fielding snarky comments about lack of coordination or skills"--Amazon.com.
Cover image of Surviving gym class

Surviving bullies and mean teens

"Explains how bullying happens and offers solutions for teens to get through it safely"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Surviving bullies and mean teens

Surviving a first date

Offers advice on preparing for a first date.
Cover image of Surviving a first date

Surviving a first breakup

Offers advice for both sides on how to survive the end of a relationship.
Cover image of Surviving a first breakup

Surviving gym class

"This guide will help teens navigate all the difficult moments [in gym], like being picked last for a team or fielding snarky comments about lack of coordination or skills"--Amazon.com.
Cover image of Surviving gym class

Surviving prom

Guides teenagers through prom, covering such topics as dates and outfits.
Cover image of Surviving prom

Surviving a first date

Offers advice on preparing for a first date.
Cover image of Surviving a first date

Surviving a first breakup

Offers advice for both sides on how to survive the end of a relationship.
Cover image of Surviving a first breakup


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