indians $x treatment

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indians $x treatment

Native American treatment and resistance

". . . [Examines] the push by European settlers and the federal government . . . westward, and its effects on indigenous peoples. Through primary source historical images and the . . . narrative of broken treaties, relocations, and armed conflict, it brings the inspiring resistance and fight for self-determination of Native Americans into the hands of your readers. . . . Also contextualizes these struggles with modern ones, including the American Indian Movement and ongoing tribal anti-pipeline protests"--Amazon.

Were Native Americans the victims of genocide?

"European destiny in the Americas came at the expense of the Native peoples. On this point, most knowledgeable people would agree. Where there is disagreement is in determining the intent of the white Europeans who sought to make the Americas their new home. The question of intent, still contentious today, is the focus of [this book]"--Provided by publisher.
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