superhero fiction

superhero fiction

The Winter Soldier: cold front

When their missions intersect across time as they struggle to solve the same mystery decades apart, the Winter Soldier and sixteen-year-old Bucky Barnes find their lives colliding in a way that neither of them would have expected, changing the course of their respective wars.

Black Panther

While showing his American friends around Wakanda when Tafari summons dark forces to return Wakanda to the "old ways," T'Chalia must stop Tafari before the King and Queen are lost in an alternate dimension forever.

Aquaman and the Rapunzel plot

"Aquaman's underwater kingdom is facing a medical threat. Luckily, a sea witch offers him a rare plant to fight the sickness--in exchange for a hefty price. But the Sea King soon discovers she isn't just greedy. The old woman has locked the true crop owner in an enchanted coral tower! What's worse, the trapped mermaid thinks she's being protected not imprisoned, so her living seaweed hair is ready to fight off any stranger who climbs inside. Can the Atlantean hero partner with the coral captive to end the witch's fishy scheme? In this twisted retelling, DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains collide with the Rapunzel fairy tale to create an action-packed chapter book for kids!"--Provided by publisher.

The Amazon princess and the pea

"Wonder Woman recognizes that the Beastiamorphs overrunning the island of Valdonia are creations of her old enemy, Circe, so she sets out to deal with the threat; but she finds that the petulant king wants Superman, Circe has disguised herself, and the only clue is a strange, pea-sized stone hidden under a tower of mattresses on Wonder Woman's bed--and she has to untangle Circe's spell, defeat the sorceress, and prove to the king that she is a real hero"--OCLC.

Onyeka and the rise of the rebels

On the run after exposing their head teacher's hidden agenda, Onyeka and her superpowered friends work with a group of rebels to defeat their shared nemesis.


"The royal palace of Wakanda is one of, if not the most, secure facilities on this planet--or any other. So the anxiety Shuri feels when she's jolted out of sleep by the queen mother with the news that someone attempted to break into the palace--and succeeded--is significant. And as quickly as they broke in, they vanished. The search for this interloper, a mysterious 'symbiote' with superhuman speed and strength, will lead Shuri to the Jabari Lands, a remote, unforgiving part of the country she has never seen. And what she discovers will be more shocking than she could have imagined"--Amazon.

We are heroes!

"When a crime spree breaks out in Gotham City, Batman and Batgirl reach out to Supergirl, The Flash, and the other DC Super Friends for help!"--Provided by publisher.

SuperJoe does not say sorry

"SuperJoe--superhero in the making--is far too busy to say sorry. He tears around the house sending invading space aliens back into orbit, rescuing passengers from sinking ships, and bravely facing prehistoric perils, while leaving a trail of broken toys, spilled bath water and displaced goldfish in his wake. But one sound keeps interfering with his supersonic hearing . . . and that's the sound of his little sister crying. Can SuperJoe swallow his pride and say the one little word that will make everything better?"--Provided by publisher.

Press start! . Super Rabbit Boy's time jump! BOOK 9

Super Rabbit Boy gained his superpowers when, as a baby, he ate the magic carrot he found in the Wise Woods; now King Viking has built a time machine in order to team up with his younger self, Prince Viking, and prevent Baby Rabbit Boy from finding that carrot--so Super Rabbit Boy has to go back in time, and with help from an unexpected player, save his younger self and protect the timeline.

Penguin trouble!

Flash forward!
"Learn to read . . . as LEGO Batman faces off against his old foe The Penguin and an army of penguins, and then flip the book over for another story featuring Batman and The Flash taking on some trouble-causing ghosts"--Provided by publisher.


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