Schweizer, Peter

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how America's most powerful people help China win
Peter Schweizer discusses how foreign governments influence the politics in Washington.
Cover image of Red-handed

Profiles in corruption

abuse of power by America's progressive elite
Offers an investigation into the private finances of America's top political leaders, including how they are generating side income, bending the law to their own benefits, and more.

The Bushes

portrait of a dynasty
Presents the unique Bush family dynasty focusing on their rising influence in America, networking, political matters, two presidencies, children, and grandchildren. Also details their contrast to the Kennedy family.

The fall of the Berlin Wall

reassessing the causes and consequences of the end of the Cold War
A collection of essays, mostly by U.S. foreign policy makers in the Reagan administration, examines the Reagan administration's contribution to the end of the Cold War, ten years after.

Do as I say (not as I do)

profiles in liberal hypocrisy
Compares the public statements and private actions of prominent liberals such as Michael Moore, Al Franken, Nancy Pelosi, Edward Kennedy, and Noam Chomsky regarding such topics as environmental regulations, taxes, and affirmative action.
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