information society

Topical Term
information society

The end of privacy

how total surveillance is becoming a reality
Explains how the Information Revolution is threatening personal privacy and discusses how privacy is being invaded, how the government is using the Internet to track people, how people can protect themselves, and other related topics.

The information revolution

Presents an overview of the history of the information revolution, detailing the birth of computers, calculators, the Internet, and sites such as, Facebook, Wikipedia, and Google. Includes primary and secondary source quotations, a timeline, a glossary, and sources of more information.

The information revolution

opposing viewpoints
A collection of twenty-two essays which presents opposing opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of the information revolution, considering its effects on education, work, and society, and discussing the issues of Web content, privacy rights, and copyright protections.

The information age

Contains over thirty essays in which the authors discuss issues related to the information age, discussing its effects on society and the economy, the government's role in regulation, and possible future uses of information technology.

The information revolution

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-four essays which provide opposing opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of the information revolution, discussing its effects on society, education, and the rights to privacy, property, and free speech.

The information

a history, a theory, a flood
Traces the history of information technology from the invention of scripts and alphabets to the twenty-first century, and profiles individuals who contributed to advances, including Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer, Ada Byron, the first true programmer Samuel Morse, Alan Turing, and others.

The world is flat

a brief history of the twenty-first century
Contains an overview of the global political and economic change since the turn of the twenty-first century, discussing the rapid developments in technologies that has allowed India and China to become part of a growing supply chain of manufacturing impacting global markets.

What is the impact of cyberlife?

Contains fourteen essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to cyberlife, including the prevalence of and reasons for virtual worlds, personal interaction in online games, the addictiveness of online gaming, the educational value of online games, and other topics, and provides contact information for organizations and a bibliography.

Electronic America

Contains facts, tables, charts, and statistics on various aspects of the Internet and other electronics in the U.S., covering the rise of the Internet and cell phones and such topics as business, education, government, health resources, entertainment media, crime, daily life, and public opinion.


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