Race and sports

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Politics and protest in sports

Examines the history of the intersection of politics and sports and protests that have taken place during or because of sporting events, such as times when countries have boycotted the Olympics to make a political point. Includes a glossary.

Fighting stereotypes in sports

"[Examines] common stereotypes in sports, especially the sports or positions that are typically played by a certain race. It also examines the effects when the 'norm' is disrupted"--Provided by publisher.

Gender and race in sports

"Examines the historical successes and struggles of female athletes of color. From pioneers to today's stars, women of color have been examples of courage and strength as they fought to overcome barriers unique to their race and gender"--Amazon.

Race in sports media coverage

"'Race in Sports Media Coverage' looks at how and why athletes of color are covered . . . differently than their white counterparts. Breaking down stereotypes and creating opportunities for journalists of color are just two of the . . . topics discussed. Features include a glossary, references, websites, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards"--Amazon.com.

Race and sports management

". . . examines the history of black and Hispanic coaches and managers in professional and college sports. Although opportunities to play sports are increasing for people of color, this title explores why the path from field to front office has been so difficult to navigate"--Provided by publisher.

Race and college sports

". . . looks at the role race plays in the promotion and exploitation of black athletes by the NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association]. The notion of 'student-athletes' is called into question, as are graduation rates and whether college athletes deserve to share in the proceeds generated by their performance"--Provided by publisher.

Politics and protest in sports

Examines the history of athletes of color using their position on the national stage to fight racism and injustice, including boxers, track stars, quarterbacks and point guards.
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