Poliquin, Rachel

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I am wind

"In this . . . illustrated mock-autobiography for middle-grade readers, Wind speaks directly to the reader, telling . . . stories that show their cultural, historical and technical importance to humans. Make no mistake: Wind is not shy or humble. Wind is violent, impulsive, arrogant and unpredictable--now playing with a kite, then tearing down a forest"--Provided by publisher.

The strangest thing in the sea

and other curious creatures of the deep
"In this weird guessing game, the most peculiar and little-known marine animals vie for the title of strangest thing in the sea. Each bizarre beast, disguised as a preposterous thing, will give clues about its true identity. Open the flap to reveal the real creature and all of its quirky adaptations, along with lots of facts!"--Back cover.

The museum of odd body leftovers

a tour of your useless parts, flaws, and other weird bits
"This illustrated tour of our 'leftover' body parts (like the appendix, or even goosebumps) introduces readers age 7-11 to the bizarre and fascinating science of evolution"--Provided by publisher.

How to promenade with a python (and not get eaten)

Introduces readers to the python with a story about a young boy trying to take a python for a walk.

How to high tea with a hyena (and not get eaten)

A savvy cockroach guides the reader through an encounter with a charming--and dangerous--predator. Is this hyena drooling for tea and crumpets . . . or for you? Explains hyena biology and hunting behavior.


Introduces readers to the eel, and her extraordinary features including the ability to shape shift and appear invisible.


"This fourth installment in the hilarious and highly illustrated full-color Superpower Field Guide series features Olenka, an ordinary eel. Olenka may be slimy, wiggly, and the color of mud, but never, ever underestimate an eel. Meet Olenka, an ordinary eel. Did I hear you say, 'But aren't eels just long slippery slimy fishy-things that...hmm...Is there anything else to know about eels?' You bet your buttons there is! Sit back and hold on tight, because Olenka is going to amaze you with superpowers such as double invisibility and shape-shifting, and the super secret Lair of the Abyss (that means a top-secret deep-sea hideout). In fact, Olenka's life is so impossibly extraordinary, it has baffled the smartest scientists in the world for thousands of years. 'Impossible!' you say. I say, 'you don't know eels.' But you will. Includes a ruler printed along the edge of the book's back cover to aid the observations of young field scientists everywhere!"--From the publisher's web site.


Introduces readers to the beaver and his extraordinary physical features including razor sharp teeth and a tail that serves many uses.


Introduces readers to ostriches, discussing their speed, strong legs, sharp claws, and more.


the superpower field guide
Meet Eno, an ordinary ostrich living in the Serengeti, a corner of the African savanna. But there's something you should know: Even ordinary ostriches are extraordinary. And that includes Eno. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that ostriches are just overgrown chickens with ridiculous necks, skinny legs, and bad attitudes. And you're right! Believe it or not, that neck helps ostriches run at supersonic speeds. Those skinny legs can kill a lion dead. And these are only a few weapons in Eno's arsenal of super-fierce survival skills, Eno has Colossal Orbs of Telescopic Vision, the Impossible Ever-Flow Lung, the Egg of Wonder, and so many more.


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