Presents an introduction to grasslands, explaining what they are and their characteristics, looks at the different types of grasslands and the life they support, provides information about indigenous people in these environments, and discusses grassland resources, the threats they face, and protection efforts.
An overview of grassland food chains featuring color photos and illustrations. Discusses the producers, consumers, and decomposers in these habitats. Describes what people do that harms grassland food chains and recommends actions for individuals to help protect them.
Describes the different aspects of tropical grasslands including climate, plants, animals, and people and contains detailed maps of key regions such as the Llanos, Cerrado, Sahel and Sudanian Savanna, and grasslands in East Africa and Northern Australia.
Describes the different aspects of the temperate grassland regions including climate, plants, animals, and people and contains detailed maps of key areas such as prairies, pampas, veld, steppes, and the Australian rangelands.
Introduces different types of grasslands around the world, describing their different climates and the survival adaptations that animals and plants must make to live in them.