religious right

Topical Term
religious right

The religious right and American politics

Explores the influence of religion on legislation and society, while examining the alignment of the religious right with the political right.

The family

the secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power
Traces the history of America's most powerful fundamentalist group, describing how they have influenced politicians, generals, and foreign dictators since their creation in 1935, and how they impacted American democracy.

God and Caesar in America

an essay on religion and politics
Former senator Gary Hart describes the growth in power of the religious right in the U.S. and discusses the dangers of one minority segment of one religion shaping a nation's laws and policies.

The religious right

a reference handbook

American theocracy

the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century
Argues that an inept and weakly led coalition that is dominated by religious zealotry is threatening the future of America and losing the respect of other countries.

How the Republicans stole Christmas

the Republican Party's declared monopoly on religion and what Democrats can do to take it back
Argues that conservative preachers such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson, along with most Catholic bishops, have created a narrow definition of religion that pushes Democrats and liberals out of the fold, and pushes Democrats and liberals to reclaim religion and return it to its basic principles of social justice.
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