
Topical Term

Habits of the heart

individualism and commitment in American life
The authors show that , if unwittingly, Americans still live their lives under the protection of collective traditions. Instead of rejecting this protection as paternalistic and outdated, they need to welcome it as the last basis of community in a period of extreme individualism.

Acts of compassion

caring for others and helping ourselves

The fountainhead

The story of a gifted young architect, his violent battle against conventional standards, and his explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him.

Completamente diferente

Bombolina, a lovely blue hippopotamus, has trouble making friends because of her unusual color, but a yellow fish teaches the animals that it is more important to focus on what they have in common, rather than their differences.

Habits of the heart

individualism and commitment in American life : updated edition with a new introduction
Examines the motives and behaviors which hold together communities and how individual behavior is often controlled to the extent that it benefits the group.

The fountainhead

The story of a gifted young architect, his violent battle against conventional standards, and his explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him.

Habits of the heart

individualism and commitment in American life
A consideration of American culture focusing on elements of private life and public life. Discusses the national emphasis on individualism and its impact on civic involvement.

The Fountainhead

The story of a gifted young architect, his violent battle against conventional standards, and his explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him.

We are all weird

the myth of mass and the end of compliance
Presents an analysis of companies and individuals who have begun marketing to the people groups traditionally outside the standard model of marketing--the middle class capitalists--and argues that mass marketing is slowly dying. Argues for the increase in the "weird" and the new paradigm weird people bring to the market and to the world.

The individual and society

Examines people as individuals and as social animals, analyzes the notions of personality and intelligence and considers how people relate to and communicate with each other and society.


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