Taking Earth's temperature

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Turning up the heat

Did you know that much climate change is caused by natural events? But how do humans influence climate change? Answer this question and learn how scientists make predictions about climate change. This title supports NGSS for Earth and Human Activity.

Melting glaciers, rising seas

"Learn about how humans contribute to climate change and what you can do to help limit its effects"--Amazon.

Climate change and food production

"Learn how our food sources are closely linked to climate change and what we can do to help limit its affects"--Amazon.
Cover image of Climate change and food production

Turning up the heat

"As Earth's atmosphere heats up faster than any time in recorded human history, we're seeing big changes worldwide. What happens with such rapid climate change? Ice caps melt, sea levels rise, weather changes, and season shift. Scientists are still learning about the effects of all these changes. Find out what it means when the Earth warms up even one or two degrees"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Turning up the heat

Planet protection

"Why is the Earth's climate changing and what can we do about it? Learn what people around the world are doing to protect the planet. Discover the ways people are using clean energy, making buildings and cars more efficient, protecting forests, and more"--Back cover.
Cover image of Planet protection

Ecosystem effect

"[Examines] how plants and animals in ecosystems around the world are affected by changing climates"--Back cover.
Cover image of Ecosystem effect

Climate scientists at work

"Scientists all over the world are studying Earth's climate. Discover where and how they collect evidence . . . Learn how they make predictions about what the Earth's climate will be like in the future"--Back cover.
Cover image of Climate scientists at work

Melting glaciers, rising seas

"Learn about how humans contribute to climate change and what you can do to help limit its effects"--Amazon.
Cover image of Melting glaciers, rising seas
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