Turck, Mary

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Mexico & Central America

a fiesta of culture, crafts, and activities for ages 8-12 : Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
More than forty projects and three dramatic play scripts explore the interconnectedness of the cultures of Mexico and Central America and help children experience aspects of daily life throughout the region.


snowstorm fury
Contains numerous stories about famous blizzards throughout history and provides scientific facts about the storms. Describes how the National Weather Service tracks storms and offers tips for staying safe in a blizzard.

Healthy eating for weight management

Offers a brief introduction to dieting and weight management and provides information on how people can meet their nutritional needs while dieting.

Acid Rain

Discusses the sources, destructive effects, and future control of acid rain.

The dirty thirties

the United States from 1929-1941

A country on the move

the United States from 1900-1929
Highlights key events in United States history from 1900 to 1929, focusing on how the country was impacted by increased imigration from other countries.

Washington, D.C.

A guide to the attractions of the country's capital city.

Alcohol & tobacco

Discusses the history and social aspects of alcohol and tobacco use and the effects of their abuse.

Jewish holidays

Discusses the origins of traditions surrounding the Jewish holidays.

Freedom song

young voices and the struggle for civil rights
Explores how songs helped strengthen the Civil Rights movement, discusses how churches and other groups created new songs from existing religious and secular music, and includes an audio CD with music by the Chicago Children's Choir.


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