Salazar, Aida

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Calling the moon

16 period stories from BIPOC authors
"For Angela, it came on the basketball court--while playing on the boys' team. For Penny, it came on a school field trip to the lake (making for some cringeworthy moments of humor). And to Layla's disappointment, it came at the start of her first fasting Ramadan, meaning that she won't be able to fast after all. Whether it spurs silence or celebration, whether the subjects are well prepared or totally in the dark, the young people in these sixteen stories find that getting a period not only brings change to their bodies, it also brings joy, sorrow, self-discovery, and yes, sometimes even gifts"--OCLC.

Jovita wore pants

the story of a Mexican freedom fighter
"Jovita didn't want to cook and clean like her sisters, and she especially didn't want to wear the skirts her abuela gave her. She wanted to race her brothers and climb the tallest mesquite trees in Rancho Palos Blancos, ride horses, and wear pants! When her father and brothers joined the Cristeros War to fight for the right to practice religion, she wanted to help. She wasn't allowed to fight, but that didn't stop her from observing how her father strategized and familiarizing herself with the terrain. When tragedy struck, she did the only thing that felt right to her--cut her hair, donned a pair of pants, and continued the fight, commanding a battalion who followed her without question . . . the story of a trailblazing revolutionary who fought for her freedom, told by her great niece . . ."--Provided by publisher. Includes author's note.

Land of the cranes

Nine-year-old Betita and her parents fled Mexico after her uncle was killed by the cartels, and settled in Los Angeles seeking political asylum and safety in what her father calls Aztlan, the land of the cranes; but now they have been swept up by by the government's Immigration Customs Enforcement, her father deported back to Mexico, and Betita and her mother confined in a family detention camp--Betita finds heart in her imagination and the picture poems her father taught her, but each day threatens to further tear her family apart.

A seed in the sun

Lula, a farm-working girl with big dreams, meets Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, and other labor rights activists and joins the 1965 protest for workers' rights.

In the spirit of a dream

13 stories of American immigrants of color
"In the spirit of a dream, many immigrants of color set out across continents, oceans, and borders, travelling to the United States in pursuit of opportunity. Celebratory, triumphant, and inspiring, In the Spirit of a Dream is a tribute to thirteen immigrant stories, from world-famous trailblazers to local heroes. You will read about astronaut Anousheh Ansari; Paralympic athlete Alejandro Albor; surgeon Ayub Khan Ommaya; jazz musician Candido Camero; dancer Conceic??ao Damasceno; businessman David Tran; basketball player Dikembe Mutombo; author Edwidge Danticat; politician Ilhan Omar; comic artist Jim Lee; environmental activist Juana Guttierez; cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and the Undocupoets, a group of undocumented poets from around the world"--.

La tierra de las grullas

Papi le cont?? la historia desde antes que su familia emigrara a Los ??ngeles huyendo de la guerra del narcotr??fico en M??xico: le dijo a Betita que ellos y el resto de su familia son grullas que han regresado a su tierra prometida. Pero un d??a Papi es arrestado por el Servicio de Control de Inmigraci??n y Aduanas y deportado a M??xico. Betita y su mam??, que est?? esperando un beb??, se quedan solas. Muy pronto ellas tambi??n son detenidas y deben aprender a sobrevivir en un centro de detenci??n de inmigrantes. La fortaleza de Betita y sus compa??eros en busca de asilo vuela por encima del odio que los mantiene enjaulados, pero que amenaza cada d??a con hacerlos caer m??s bajo de lo jam??s imaginaron. ??Podr??n estas familias volver a estar juntas alguna vez?.

The moon within

"Eleven-year-old (nearly twelve) Celi Rivera, who is a mix of Black-Puerto Rican-Indigenous Mexican is secretive about her approaching period, and the changes that are happening to her body. She is horrified that her mother wants to hold a traditional public moon ceremony to celebrate the occasion. She must choose loyalty to her life-long best friend who is contemplating an even more profound change of life or the boy she likes"--Provided by publisher.

The moon within

"Eleven-year-old (nearly twelve) Celi Rivera, who is a mix of Black-Puerto Rican-Indigenous Mexican is secretive about her approaching period, and the changes that are happening to her body. She is horrified that her mother wants to hold a traditional public moon ceremony to celebrate the occasion. She must choose loyalty to her life-long best friend who is contemplating an even more profound change of life or the boy she likes"--Provided by publisher.

Land of the cranes

Nine-year-old Betita and her parents fled Mexico after her uncle was killed by the cartels, and settled in Los Angeles seeking political asylum and safety in what her father calls Aztlan, the land of the cranes; but now they have been swept up by by the government's Immigration Customs Enforcement, her father deported back to Mexico, and Betita and her mother confined in a family detention camp--Betita finds heart in her imagination and the picture poems her father taught her, but each day threatens to further tear her family apart.

The moon within

"Eleven-year-old (nearly twelve) Celi Rivera, who is a mix of Black-Puerto Rican-Indigenous Mexican is secretive about her approaching period, and the changes that are happening to her body. She is horrified that her mother wants to hold a traditional public moon ceremony to celebrate the occasion. She must choose loyalty to her life-long best friend who is contemplating an even more profound change of life or the boy she likes"--Provided by publisher.
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