Smith, Betty

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A tree grows in Brooklyn

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

A tree grows in Brooklyn

Francie Nolan grows up midst the poverty and hard family life typical of Brooklyn slums in the early 1900's.

A tree grows in Brooklyn

A tree grows in Brooklyn

Francie Nolan and her brother, Neeley, grow up in the slums of Brooklyn in the early 1900s.

A tree grows in Brooklyn

The story of the Nolan family, including daughter Francie, and life in the Williamsburg slums of Brooklyn during the early part of the 20th century.

Joy in the morning

The story of a young couple from Brooklyn who marry young, have little money, and face bitter parental opposition, but are determined to make something of their life together.

Joy in the morning

The story of a young couple from Brooklyn who marry young, have little money, and face bitter parental opposition, but are determined to make something of their life together.


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