human trafficking

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human trafficking

Finding you

When Isla is kidnapped by a human trafficking ring, she must rely on the memories of her love to give her the strength to escape this horrible and terrifying experience.
Cover image of Finding you

Forward me back to you

Told in separate voices, Kat and Robin leave Boston on a church mission to help combat human trafficking in India while Kat recovers from a sexual assault and Robin seeks his birth mother.

96 words for love

While exploring her grandmother's past at an ashram in India with her cousin Anandi, seventeen-year-old Raya finds herself and, perhaps, true love in this modern retelling of the legend of Dushyanta and Shakuntala.
Cover image of 96 words for love

Ride or die

A 15-year-old Black girl from a small east coast town is lured into the sex trade by an older teenage boy. Based on true events, this book recounts the physical and emotional abuse experienced by young victims of sex trafficking, and how one girl survives, escapes, and finds her way back home.
Cover image of Ride or die

Saint death

"A novel about the illicit human and drug trade at the US-Mexican border."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Saint death

Human trafficking

a reference handbook
Provides a global analysis of the problem of human trafficking in the twentieth century, including information on the different groups of victims, the methods of traffickers, trafficking patterns, and prospects for ending human trafficking.
Cover image of Human trafficking

The Color of our sky

A ten-year old must fulfill her destiny by becoming a prostitute as her mother and grandmother did before her, but in order to escape her fate, she is sent away where a high-spirited friendship helps her recover from the wounds of the past but does nothing to help the wounds of the future.
Cover image of The Color of our sky

ISIS brides

"With the promise of glorious holy war and a wife, more than 20,000 foreign fighters flowed into Iraq and Syria, leaving the Islamic State hard-pressed to provide enough wives for the fighters. With the number of foreign women estimated at a few hundred, ISIS has turned to draconian measures like slavery, temporary marriages, and even child brides. Women captives of the group who managed to escape tell tales of terror and abuse despite the glowing promises of those who recruit women for the so-called Islamic State. This book explores the dangers for women and girls caught in the path of ISIS and how they're used by the group as both rewards for fighters and as warriors in their own right"--Amazon.
Cover image of ISIS brides


Abidjan to Paris
"Determined to reunite with his family, Alpha sets off from his home in Cote d'Ivoire, bound for Paris, where his sister-in-law has a hair salon near the Gare du Nord train station. Alpha's wife and son left for France months ago, traveling without visas, and he has heard nothing from them since. With a visa, Alpha's journey would take a matter of hours. Without one, he is adrift for over a year, encountering human traffickers in the desert, refugee camps in Mali and Algeria, overcrowded boats carrying migrants between the Canary Islands and Europe's southern coast, and a cast of companions lost and found along the way. Throughout, Alpha stays the course, carrying his loved ones' photograph close to his heart as he makes his perilous trek across the continent"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Alpha

Human rights in focus: human trafficking

"Globally, millions of people live in modern day slavery. Men, women, and children across the world are subject to forced labor and sexual exploitation at the hands of human traffickers. The challenges human trafficking victims face, the efforts to eradicate this crime, and how to assist victims are discussed [in this book]"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Human rights in focus: human trafficking


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