Today's debates

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Church and state

is a true separation possible?
"Where to draw the line between church and state in everything from laws and courtrooms to public schools and foreign affairs has been a point of contention throughout American history, a debate between those who believe in a complete separation and those who argue that religion was important to the Founding Fathers and has therefore always been an important part of American culture. This book dives into the foundational documents of the United States, . . . legal cases, laws governing social behavior, religion in the public schools, and separation of church and state on the international level"--Provided by publisher.

Health care

universal right or personal responsibility?
"Presents an . . . overview of the health care debate from [different angles, offering] insight into questions of who provides and regulates health care and how questions of health coverage have played out in domestic and international politics"--Amazon.


welcome or not?
Explores the history and controversy surrounding immigration to the United States.


public crisis or private struggle?
"This book looks at the challenges surrounding poverty in America, and explores the legal, political, social, and economic solutions, including food stamps, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, that have been proposed to remedy the problem. Readers will gain an . . . understanding of the many factors causing poverty and of how governments and communities can do their part to help those in need"--Provided by publisher.


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