Zombie zone

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Zombie apocalypse

Examines how to prepare and survive a zombie attack.

Voodoo zombies

Examines Haitian zombies through stories and science.

Becoming a zombie

Examines zombie origin stories through lore and science.

Zombies through the ages

Our TV screens are filled with terrifying images of the walking dead. However, people have been frightened of zombies long before movies and TV shows. This book uncovers the blood-curdling history of the undead--from Viking draugar to dancing Tibetan corpses to medieval revenants that crawled out of the ground, spreading plague and death. This fascinating new title introduces zombie fans to a horrifying host of zombies, both past and present. Packed with gruesome, spine-chilling details, the book takes readers from lurching Ro-langs in Tibet to zombies in 20th century America. Love zombies? Then lock the doors and dare to investigate Zombies Through the Ages!.

Zombie apocalypse

Imagine looking out your window and seeing a horde of moaning, rotting zombies lumbering your way. What would happen if a mysterious virus were to suddenly sweep through your town, turning people into crazed flesh-eaters? Where would be the safest places to hide? And what should you pack in your zombie survival kit? This fascinating new title gives zombie fans all the information they need to navigate and survive a zombie apocalypse. Packed with gruesome, spine-chilling details, the book takes readers on a journey of survival. Love zombies? Then lock the doors, hunker down, and dare to witness a Zombie Apocalypse!.
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