racial profiling in law enforcement

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racial profiling in law enforcement

Racial profiling

Focuses on writing an expository essay about racial profiling. Exposition is a frequently used essay technique for writing persuasive, informational, and how-to-essays. Readers will find useful information to write a successful expository essay, including thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions.

Profiles in injustice

why racial profiling cannot work
Argues that racial profiling by police officers, highway troopers, and customs officials is morally reprehensible and does not help catch criminals, but rather contributes to the moral decay of American society.

Racial profiling

Presents a series of fourteen controversial essays that debate issues associated with racial profiling, including U.S. policy regarding profiling in a post September 11 society.

Racial profiling

Presents facts on and explores the controversy over racial profiling in the U.S., discussing its history, events that have shaped the issue, and each side of the debate.

Profiles in injustice

why racial profiling cannot work
Argues that racial profiling by police officers, highway troopers, and customs officials is morally reprehensible and does not help catch criminals, but rather contributes to the moral decay of American society.


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