Davenport, John

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Juan Ponce de Leon And His Lands Of Discovery

Examines the life and adventures of sixteenth-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, and describes his discoveries, victory, and defeats.

The Internment of Japanese Americans during World War II

detention of American citizens
Presents a detailed account of the relocation and internment of Japanese Americans following the attack on Pearl Harbor and America's entry into World War II.

The attack on Pearl Harbor

the United States enters World War II
This book examines the history leading up to the Japanese attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the specifics of the raid itself, and the consequences of what then-president Franklin D. Roosevelt called "a date which will live in infamy.".

A brief political and geographic history of Africa

where are--Belgian Congo, Rhodesia, and Kush?
Explores places in Africa that have changed names over the course of their history, including the Belgian Congo, Rhodesia, Kush, and others, and looks at the political and geographic reasons for the changes.


poet, author, and proud Florentine
Profiles the life and works of late thirteenth-century poet and author Dante Alighieri, noted for his most famous piece "The Inferno.".

A brief political and geographic history of the Middle East

where are--Persia, Babylon, and the Ottoman Empire?
Identifies important places in the Middle East that no longer exist on modern-day maps, including Persia, Babylon, and the Ottoman Empire, examines the political and geographic histories of these lost civilizations, and shows how to locate them on contemporary maps.

The French revolution and the rise of Napoleon

Presents a history of the French Revolution, a tumultuous period characterized by violence and unrest in which the French overthrew their traditional monarchy and attemped to establish a republican form of government.

D-Day and the liberation of France

Describes the Allied invasion of Europe in 1944, and the subsequent liberation of France and the rest of the continent.

The American Revolution

Focuses on the American Revolution, including its historical background and aftermath.


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